Understanding The Active Station Treadmill Desk Control Panel
Understanding The Active Station Treadmill Desk Control Panel
Using The Machine
Step 1: Insert red safety key into the machine
Step 2: Press start button to wake up the machine
Step 3: Adjust the desk height as desired by using the height up and down arrows on the left side of the control panel
Step 4: Press start button to start the treadmill belt (it will start at .6MPH by default)
Step 5: Adjust speed as desired using the up and down speed arrows on the right side of the control panel
Step 6: Walk and work!
You can stop the machine at any time and simply stand while working or adjust the desk to allow you to sit while working.
If the red safety key is removed at any time the machine will stop. The removal of this key will cause the machine to stop and reset time, calories, and mileage.
The red safety key cord should always be attached to your clothing while using the machine.