How beneficial is a walking desk?
Published studies show that 3-5 hours of walking while working per week are very beneficial. They help improve memory, mood and could lead to weight loss.
Is walking and typing at the same time practical?
Yes. In fact, studies show treadmill desks increase productivity. However, it may take a few minutes for users to find the optimum desk height and walking speed so they can get to work.
Can I use the walking desk to run and perform cardio exercises?
- The walking treadmill is designed for walking only
- The treadmill speed is limited to 2.5 mph by design to prevent injuries
- The walking desk is not a substitute for the gym; it is designed to help desk bound people move while at work
How much space does it require?
It is designed to fit into a typical office cubical. It requires space that is 6.5 feet long and 4-6 feet wide.
What precautions should I take to minimize injuries while using the walking desk?
- Stretch before using
- Be aware that you’re on a treadmill so sideways movement may lead to falling off the machine
- Set the desk height at a comfortable level
- Be careful when stepping off the machine after an extended use period
What is the required maintenance to keep the walking desk functioning normally?
- Keep it clean
- Do not overload
- Use only as intended