2018 New Year’s Resolution – Walk While Working
2018 is right around the corner and you probably have already started thinking about your new year’s resolutions. Your list probably includes things like, eat better, lose weight, go to the gym more, get back in shape, etc. Sound familiar? Well, the problem is most of us will give up on our resolutions after a few short weeks. Why is this? While we all resolve to do things differently and get healthier, most of us set unattainable goals. Goals that are far too difficult and cause you to feel defeated and give up.
Make 2018 different…set a resolution this year that you can actually keep.
2018 New Year’s Resolution – Walk While Working
Whether you have a traditional office job or work primarily in a home office, a treadmill desk is an easy way to take one step closer to becoming a healthier you. The health benefits of walking are truly endless, as more and more research is being published everyday on the effects walking can have on the body.
Learn more about the health benefits of walking.
Walking While Working – That’s Possible?
You might be asking, “How do I walk while working? Is that even possible?” The answer is yes. Have you ever walked while holding a conversation with another person? Walked while you were on the phone? Then, yes you can absolutely walk while working.
Here are some common questions/concerns most people will have about using a treadmill desk for the first time:
Concern: “If I am walking it will be too bouncy and I won’t be able to type.”
The treadmill desk goes as slow as .1mph, allowing you to slowly learn to walk while working. In fact, many treadmill desk users have reported no issue at all with experiencing any kind of bouncing sensation. After using the machine for some time you will not even notice that you are walking – you will experience the same thing as working at a traditional desk, except without the negative health effects from sitting for long time periods.
Concern: “I won’t be able to work as quickly or be as productive.”
Using a treadmill desk actually has the exact opposite effect. Because of the increased blood flow while walking, most treadmill desk users will be more productive, more creative, and have more energy.
Concern: “I am not coordinated enough to walk while working.”
Yes you are coordinated enough. It will take some time to get used to, but after just 10-20 minutes on the treadmill you will not even notice the difference between walking while working or sitting at a desk.
Set a realistic resolution this year to becoming one step closer to a healthier you by simply walking while working.